Applications + Handouts

  • Covenship Application

    Covenship is for those who want to follow the spiritual path of Wicca and Witchcraft with the guidance of a High Priestess + Priest and the social aspect and support from a Coven. Covenship is a year and a day process that will require independent studying, attendance to Sabbats and Esbats, and acquiring your own reading materials and tools. Students will have monthly learning objectives and homework. For more information, please refer to our By-Laws, Article 4 Covenship.

  • Ministry of Magick Application

    We are currently accepting applications for the Ministry of Magick. Our policy is prospective applicants must be Coven Elders, have passed the Covenship Final Exam, have shown significant evidence of being a serious member, be referred to the position by the High Priestess and High Priest, or a combination of three or more of the above. For further information regarding Ministry of Magick positions, duties and responsibilities, please refer to our By-Laws: Article 7 Officers, and Article 5 Ministry of Magick.

  • Covenship Final Exam

    All Outer Circle members may take the Covenship Final Exam to by-pass the first year and a day of Covenship if they pass with a score of 90% or higher. If you pass, you will be a First Degree Witch and have the option to be initiated into the Coven and be able to begin your second year of Covenship. First year Covenship students must pass the Final Exam with a score of 80% or higher.